Launched in 2014, the creation of a specialized francophone centre in Ontario was initially initiated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The centre’s main goal is to provide francophone students an easy access to specialized post-secondary services. The opening of the centre correlates with the French Language Services Act (Law 8). These services are centred on psychoeducational assessments and geared towards students with learning disabilities. Clients must be enrolled or in the process of enrolling at a post-secondary institution located in Northern Ontario or in one of the regions served by Collège Boréal.
Construction of the centre at Collège Boréal’s Sudbury campus began in 2015. Staff was hired between October 2015 and March 2016. Thanks to a partnership between the Centre francophone d’évaluation et de ressources de l’Ontario (CFERO) and the Northern Ontario Assessment and Resources Centre (NOARC), similar policies and procedures were adopted to ensure the well-being of clients throughout the community.